Sunday, December 8, 2019

Christmas is Love

Christmas is one of the most awaited holiday in a year, the most enjoyable, a lot to eat and a time for families, vacation, and somethings that will pleasure people. Christmas is mostly known to celebrate our Jesus Christ's birthday, and every one is longing for this to happen and to finally end a year with peace and excitement and with our own family.

Image result for christmas familyChristmas is a time when families have their reason to gather together after a long time, and even people that are not in good terms will have their reason to forgive, every one will be willing to give,  in the presence of Christmas humanity revived. It revive like a log burning which it's burn is about to run off yet the flame burn out again. Christmas is for forgiving, everyone is forgetting how bad the other person treat them when it's Christmas and just forgive them without any hesitation, everyone will give and give without thinking of tomorrow, without thinking what their need but what others will be happy about, children running on the streets playing, and caroling at night without them thinking about danger. Christmas is all about peace and love. Love of everyone that cannot be seen without this season. Christmas is a reminder that love is the way of happiness, forgive to be happy, and give to see joy. This is undefinable but it gives a lot of memories to cherish and a happiness to earn. Streets be light up but the light of the different colors of christmas lights,children be howling like an own and making noises when reaching for the midnight clock and the happiness can be seen in their smiles and eyes.

As the years passes by, a lot of kids will grow older, a lot have change, every Christmas become sadder, it's like a normal day with a lot of foods. It's presence is fading, we are letting it go, the humanities are rarely revive, it can only be seen through the people who are related to each other, everyone will make time for their jobs than celebrating, it is fading and we can only revive it by expressing our love to each other, don't be ashamed and burst out what lies within your heart. 


Unbalance and Violence in Genders within Women

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Gender awareness raising means providing reliable and accessible information to build a better understanding of gender equality as a core value of democratic societies. As a gender-mainstreaming method, gender awareness raising is crucial for integrating a gender perspective into policies, programs, projects and services that respond to the different needs of women and men.

Gender awareness raising aims to promote and encourage a general understanding of gender-related challenges, for instance, violence against women and the gender pay gap. It also aims to show how values and norms influence our reality, reinforce stereotypes and support the structures that produce inequalities.

Gender awareness raising plays an important role in informing women and men about gender equality - which means a lot in every human being, the benefits of a more gender-equal society and the consequences of gender inequality, such as the strong positive impact on gross domestic product and higher levels of employment, and about the profound negative impact of gender inequalities, for instance, the fact that women are at a higher risk of poverty because of lower employment prospects. By this everyone will understand further and consider others situation. By being aware, more people will not afraid to hide their feelings, thoughts and other specific characteristics. We don't only need this but we also need people understand and think in mature way to truly attain the betterment of one's society. the society's will not improve if the people themselves don't.

Though Violence Against Women and Children became a aw for a lot of women and children have been experiencing violence through them. It is a time where cases of women have rapidly increases because of their inability to over power men by physically and it will be a lot for them to bear this mistreat that they don't even deserve. By children, a lot of mothers either father or stranger can mistreat this little and weak child, they have been using strength just to correct their wrongdoings, violence for punishment and anger relieves, children cannot do anything but  to bear with all of this because they cannot speak for no one will believe them, they cannot fight back for they have no strength, they cannot complain for they cannot over power them, but with this everyone will have their rights, equality by physical and emotional. And let it society - our home, be safe to live on.