Sunday, October 13, 2019

Technological Knowledge

Image result for html pictureOn the second quarter of ICT 10, I have learned how html works and on what is their uses. By this I have gained a deeper knowledge about technology and specially on html where you can create a website on you own. Learning the functions of html and the tags is really simple and easy to learn as long as you follow the statistic method of making a html file because when one thing is wrong there will be a mistake already and by making an html file it is only applicable in a text only method for it to successfully function. Yet there are still problems that I have encountered and by that when putting a tags you really need to be careful enough to notice the mistake unless you'll have a mistake where in I commonly forgot the put some slash for the end tag in which it is really needed and there is only one tag I can't understand the function at all. By these minor problem, it will not be difficult at all because you just need to be familiarize and use on making a html tag to not commit a mistake and by that I can learn and understand it sooner for I will study about it.

Moving on, this thing is really easy to cop up with and I will focus on my goals where in things will not be a failure as long as you are already trying your best. I am preparing myself for another quarter of lessons and I know that as I get into the higher grade there is more knowledge that I will get and by that turn your knowledge into a wisdom and you'll become a wise man.


Fond of Enjoyment

Image result for intramuralsIntramural is a very big event in every school that expose each one's ability and will gave the student a time for fun and rest but as of for the athletes they might not get a rest but they will have a really great time playing their passion as it will overwhelm them for they will show their capability in doing their sports. Aside from sports we all expect a lot of booths around the school. In every booth, a club will facilitate it and have their own methods on how the activity in one booth will all of us expect. 

In ISNHS we have a 3 days, for the intramural where for the third day is Saturday for all the championship. For the opening celebration all of the athletes and those who want to join will parade around the school with their own muse and escort down to the gymnasium. The mass was happened around an hour and most of the athletes are already bored by just sitting and listening, there is also a competition and it was ended around 2 hours. As the opening ceremony is happening the clubs will prepare their booths for the next day where the intramural is already happening except for the MAPEH club because they are the one facilitating the gym at that time. 

Second day, where all the sports will be done and other students starts their booths like chemlock where two people is requested to the facilitator and they will have a blind day but having their arms lock to each other by the TLE club. Omegle date where there is already guys and girl and you will just pick you interest and you will have a blind date with them by Science club. Message booth for the MAPEH club where you can write anything you want and to whom as long as it the person you're writing to is also a schoolmate. An obstacle course where there will be challenges you need to pass to by the AP club. Love in rinth where you and your partner will be lock inside a room designed like a maze of challenges, every station there will be a challenge that will be given to the both of your partner and if you will not pass that challenge there will be a box of consequences where you will pick one and you'll do it, if not you will not get out of the room but if you pass all the challenges there will be an aisle waiting and a pastor that will bond you together. And some other clubs.

At the last day, is a fun bike to those who are fond of biking and after the fun bike there will be a zumba in the field where everyone is invited to join if they want to and where the everything ends. 

With this a lot of people have enjoyed so much and with this the feeling of stress will be out of their sight as of their body and brain just want to enjoy this 3 days without any stress or responsibility waiting for them at all and that is one of the best memories every high school student will treasure. 


Scientific Celebration

Image result for scienceScience Month celebration gave most of the student excitement especially to those who are really fond of science. It is being celebrated for about a month and the Science club officers are the one whose facilitate the activities that have happened in this celebration.

Celebrating this in a month like how every celebrations do, except for the occasions and some personal matter. Many activities have rendered and invite every student to join and participate the Science Activities which there is quiz, singing, dance, photography and an exhibit too. In this activities the Grade level will not be considered as long as you're a participant you will compete with the other participant. But those activities is not only for a one representative per section but a class will also do, as long as they're interested. 

In quizzes, it is all about science from topic of Earth Science to Physics and the competition is by grade level and then the winner in each grade level will compete to one another and look for the winner. In singing contest, there is this certain topic about the song that is the participant need to compose that have an relation with the theme of the Science Month Celebration which will be competing as a band and there is also a solo singing contest. In photography, there is a contest of photo-envy which you are needed to have a digital cam but as of the participant the Science teacher consider the phone camera participate because of their interest and so at the last week of celebration at the front of Science faculty an exhibit about science stuffs were displayed in front of the laboratory room and science faculty which made the people interested. 

By this kind of activities, student joining and participating can excel in their subject teacher and even show their talent and improve it in experiential way for it is easier to improve by applying it your own. 


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Gratitude for our treasures

Image result for teachers dayTeachers Day is a day for the teachers and by that it's the day for the student to show how grateful and thankful we really are by having  teachers be our second parent.

Students show their appreciation by surprising and giving gifts to their teachers. Some have their lunches at school, some snacks, and some are just jamming. Mostly all of the classrooms are very well designed, students are waiting for their adviser and they would surprise him/her. In ISNHS students really have a great and big efforts in making their teachers happy. Before the celebration mostly the class officers assign someone to bought a gift for their subject teacher for fairness and also for showing gratitude, some gave the gifts by group and some gave it as a whole class but no matter who or what the gift is every student is really grateful to have a teacher.
Image result for teachers day

Furthermore, in ISNHS the whole campus joined the celebration of the teachers at their gymnasium where in there is a concert. Two grade level per concert because the population is really big and we won't fit all at the same time. In every teachers eye you can see how happy they really are and how they really enjoy this kind of event which it reduced them stress. And by that mean, the students are also overwhelmed by the performances and skills of the teachers that they didn't expect they can do that and it was really fun.

Through this kind of activity student and teacher express and evaluate the connection between them and by that the love of every student matters as well as the love of a teacher is.


School is Happiness

Image result for happy school movementHappy School Movement launched by Dep-Ed Ilocos where every school in the Ilocos region is invited to join and participate this movement to promoting an enjoyable and better place to study and to boost the efficient implementation of the K-12 basic education curriculum in the Ilocos provinces.

There are 15 advocacy themes in the delivery in education services to the 14 schools divisions in the Ilocos region. Students will be invited to go to the Vigan Conventional Center where the event is being held, every school student will have their time schedule. A Dep-Ed personnel will lecture us about why and ways to be happy in school. In the 15 minutes lecture the students and teachers will be sitting while the facilitators prepare every booth, I then the students and teachers will be divided as a group, they will explore the place where there is a booths that is designed as of their advocacy. It starts from mother tongue until to the AP advocacy, every booth is designed as of their theme where in inside the mother tongue booth you will find things that is for a toddler and a medium of Iloco.

In every there were a lot of activities that being displayed from the things we have done in the school. We are so overwhelm to see our own design being display in this kind of movement. In every booth there is a lot of encouragement that studying in not just giving us stress but also give us a lot of memories and knowledge that we will treasure someday. It gives the student excitement and gives student to be optimistic about our school. This also reduce the pressure that the students have been dealing on at the moment, and it helps a lot. To teachers, it also clean up their minds on the stress and responsibilities they are having.

Furthermore, many government activities is really helping a lot of people on their stress and pressure by just trying to light up the mood and change the perspective of one person. Especially school, many student have hated school because of they're dealing so much pressure and stress and by that it is such a relieve to change the perspective of our minds.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Reflection of the past

Image result for solidaritySolidarity with other World Heritage Cities around the world, aims to strengthen the pride in the city's history and culture, promote friendship and diversity between countries and serves as a great venue for forging ties and understanding through community's involvement in the city's various activities that highlights love for culture, arts and entertainment where in every month of September. In the area of Vigan City where Solidarity is an event that we are all celebrating in the past years and for the future because it's very well educational and it have this very big role and importance in the City of Vigan.

Some activities are food and trade fair, contests for singing, on the spot painting, sabayang pagbigkas,a cultural quiz, folk dance, solidarity games, role play, and also renewal of pledge. Those activities really help the city progress and increase the activeness of the citizen in the city which is really helpful that despite the fat that we're already in the modern generation, a lot of people are still really interested in some kind of cultural and historical activities. Each one's skill will also be expose and improve through this kind of contests that will benefit the contestant's career and he/she will grow more through the help of his own capabilities.
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By those activities, a lot of youth will be educated and enjoy by just attending and participating as an audience or contestant. Either way, everyone will be aware from the happenings from the past of their own city. For the young generation, few only know the cultural history of their own city and this will give the unaware youth to have the knowledge.

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