Friday, November 29, 2019

They needed the guide; not the torture

A child to reproduce, a child to raise well, a child for a brighter future, a child that also needed respect. In November, National Children’s Month is declared as stated in Republic Act 10661 to commemorate the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1980. It seeks to increase knowledge of parents/caregivers on how to handle or educate their children while in the cyberspace; intensify the advocacy of positive discipline in classrooms dynamics in daily teaching; provide space for children’s participation in the legislative advocacy; push for the passage of the Positive Discipline Bill and celebrate gains and successes on child rights promotions and protection of the country.

Positive discipline, as stipulated in the Bill is disciplining children without resorting to physical or corporal punishment, such as spanking, hitting, slapping, shouting, or shaming. The National Baseline Study on Violence Against Children (NBS-VAC) revealing that most Filipino children experience and are vulnerable to physical, psycho-social and sexual violence and these are significantly high in homes where parents, siblings and caregivers are oftentimes the perpetrators. The NBS-VAC also revealed that prevalence of violence in schools is almost equally disturbing. SOCA mainly focused on the four components as specified in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN-CRC), which are Survival, Protection, Development, and Participation.

It takes a village to raise a child. Let us all work together to end these violence against children so that they will become productive citizens of our country. Let us all push for positive parenting and positive discipline and continue to intensify its efforts in collaboration with partner-agencies on building a safe, nurturing, and protective environment for children through positive discipline among parents, guardians, caregivers, and teachers.

It is not only parents and adult who needed to be respect, not everyone have it's own brain capacities and everyone have different capabalities. Doing something doesn't mean any violence harm should be on their living as growing up for it'll only isolate them and refrain them for doing better, instead this where rebellion started. Teach them lessons correctly not them to learn from their punishments. A young one don't know alot to know what's they should be doing they needed the guide not the torture.

Guide them with pleasure and overwhelm love not with violence against their will. It not only us who needed safety, even on our own blood we can't be safe as want we wanted to. We can't be cared as what we want to—love, nourished, respect, discipline(correctly), freely. We need to considerate the situation not the situation to adjust.

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